I am a software Engineer with impressive skills in Java.
and had an interest in web development, frontend development, and many more...
Hello, my name is Sahil Balasaheb Patil,
I completed my B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology at Shivaji University.
During my BTech, I learned programming languages like Java, C++, and C. I also learned core subjects of computer science like computer networks, operating systems, data structures and algorithms (DSA), object-oriented programming concepts (OOP), relational database management systems (RDBMS) concepts, and many more...
Currently, I am learning and working on web technologies. I learn web development from scratch to the current level, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Frontend Framework React. I also learned about backend technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and NoSQL MangoDB databases. These technologies give me knowledge of MERN stack development and make me capable of working with the frontend and backend. Currently, I am looking for a frontend, backend, database engineer, or Java developer role. I hope you find my contact details. Don't forget to send me a message or mail, and I hope you connect with me at Linkdin, Twitter, or Instagram, and visit my Github account to track my project repositories... Thankuou.. :)
That Unique Music Player Visit Here This is A Music-Player Web Applicatioin like other But i develop it By My Creativity and Skills I design a Simple But Unique and Attrative User Interface Using React and CSS For Frontend and use Express.js, Node.js and MySQL Database and Design API to Interact with Databse to Perform CRUD Operations, User Can Add new Song to Music-Player also Make modifications in Existing Song Details, and Delete Existing Song from Databse, I Face Many more issues while Developing this Application the Big One is How to Store Song Image and Song Audio to the Databse, Databse Store the file data in Binary Format Image can stor But Audio File Excides the limits for Databse so Unable to store the Audio Files in MySQL databse, So Find Solution is to Upload Audio,Image File On local folder only Path of that Image and Song Should store in Databse and Design Applicaton and API according to That, API gives the Path of Files to Browsers and Browsers take Out that Given Path Files and Display to User Perfectly, Hope Do visit My Git Repo and Download The Project Fro More Understanding and Never Forget to push a STAR to Repositorie.
This is My Potfolio Website, Which is Developed By Using Html,Css and JavaScriptt and One of the Api named Web3 Froms Api for Redirecting Contact Form. When Some one Fill the Form then i get that msg & contact details On my Email id. and Also use the font awesome for icons..
Business Growth Monetring System
This is My BTech Final Year Project. This is WebApplication Which is Design for Mid- Scale Businesses for Tracking Their Business Growth. from their prevoius sales Data and Calculating Profit Or Loss and Represents in a Form of Various Types of Graphs-Bar Graph Pi charts etc.., We Use Html,css,JavaScript,Php,MySql, Bootstrap etc..